Goodbye Starbucks

Goodbye Starbucks. Necessity is the Mother of Invention.

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I am going to say things on this site, my own site, that won’t please everyone.

The secret is out, I am not a people pleaser anymore. 😃

Better said, I am understanding the importance of my tribe and the vibe around me and seeking those like-minded, evolving, seekers of truth.

My entire life . .

I’ve been a questioner and a thinker. I question everything, things I agree with and things I disagree with.

Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action.

Let me provide a bit of background…

I run a number of niche sites. Some of these websites I am behind the scenes and a couple I am in front of the scenes on certain topics. Nothing political, it’s just expected I only talk about the topic at hand and in a way that the majority seems to agree with.

And even though I have this space to free my mind, I find that the best way to share  my feelings is offline with a small tribe of like minded people. You the reader and potential customer are free to leave at anytime. And oh my gosh, I hate saying that, but finally having my own space means in no way will everyone understand me or want to agree with me. And that’s okay.

Which leads me to this . . .

I would rather have ONE amazing true friend, then 100 fairweather acquaintances.

In a recent podcast with Ashley June, she shares her mistake of befriending all that come across her path to only be left with less friends in the end.  With 2020 and 2021, it’s fair to say that many of us lost friends.  The focus of her message was to truly focus on quality over quantity, finding true friendships based on a common truth.  This solid foundation is what will bring years of friendship moving forward.

And the importance of creating the intention of making friends with aligned values and beliefs.

We all go through seasons

I am embracing this season of solitude. And I imagine, if you are still reading, that you might also understand what a season of solitude is like.

As I recalibrate over here, I can;t help but ponder over lifer prior to 2020. I had “friends” come and go because I was not putting out the right intention and also allowing my boundaries to be bulldozed over.

In the past, I have had one colleague that hacked my site, one that hacked my email, changed the password and held onto it and another that reminded me how ugly I was and how off putting I was for asking questions and speaking up on topics that mattered to me.

This all happened prior to January 2020. It was uncomfortable.

Oh, did I mention I have been embracing my season of solitude?

Just like Ashley June, I had befriended every single person in my life and who I crossed paths with thinking it didn’t matter.  And I had found myself in a sinking boat.

This leads me to Starbucks.

And the topic at hand . .

Goodbye Starbucks

Necessity is the Mother of Invention.

At least 3 times per week I was ‘that’ girl at Starbucks. Macbook Pro open, typically in the best seat in the house next to an outlet.  My iPhone settled in right next to my laptop. Drip coffee, hopefully the Verona blend  – typically on tap in February –  because of those lovely chocolate notes.

And with my gold card or SBUX app close by, I would refill my drip over and over. Of course, asking nearby SBUX friends to watch my stuff while I ran to the bathroom over and over and over.

I was a digital nomad and sometimes my nomadic ways would only bring me 3 miles from my house. It was a good home base.

I had familiar relationships with the baristas and with the Starbucks regulars.

And then “they” stopped us.

Stopped us cold.

My green apron and black apron friends said “we are closed”.

I was devastated.

Not because I wasn’t falling for this carefully marketed scamdemic (Robert Cialdini is applauding that marketing for sure).

But because. . .

Starbucks was my only outlet out of my work from home life that had been my norm for over 15 years.  Yes, that long.

Hanging out at Starbucks was my social outlet. It got me out of the house where I could quasi socialize while simultaneously be productive.

I would seem the same regulars and we would tap away on our keyboards then chat about all the things.

I had become pretty attached.

I thought I realized how attached I became but when they shut us out, masked up and fought back giving me a drip from a window with surgical gloves and a muzzle.

I called it quits.

Then I got lulled back in. Because caffeine.

This time, the line was so long for the drive thru, I hopped out of my hubby’s Jeep and popped inside with my smiling face.

Do you know what its like to have 10 blue haired baristas scream at you to get the hell out while explaining a medical exemption . . . meanwhile I was surrounded by 15+ customers who sat 2 feet away eating croissants and giggling?

Ok, Starbucks.

We done.


And thus began my adventure of making my at home coffee shop even bigger and better than before.

Starbucks refused to be discreet, rational or honor any medical/religious exemption.

And ultimately failed at customer service.


Goodbye Starbucks

So I made my own Coffee Shop

Yes, I made my own cafe. My own bar in my home was made over to a Coffee Bar.

Here is what I used for the background –

This Black and Gold Wallpaper Geometric Hexagon Stripe

Goodbye Starbucks

Here are the coffees I chose for the Coffee Bar:



Cafe Bustelo


My own beans that I roast myself, I love these from Nicaragua as well as these from Brazil.


Eight O’Clock

Harney & Sons tea – this one will give you all the Christmas feels.



My own machines:

Bialetti   (**this is my fave)

Regular coffee pot


French Press

Espresso Machine (I would like to upgrade this one day but this is a great start)

So all of this coffee and beans and machines are resting inside of its own bar.

And the barstools pull up to the open space where I can place my laptop, plug in and even have friends join me.

It’s glorious.


Goodbye Starbucks


The 2 antique bar stools pulled up to the opening and invite anyone to swing by and hang out at B&B Kitchen or in the dining room, which we also refer to as NiederWorks. Its a competitor to WeWork.  Our ticker symbol is coming soon. 😀

Necessity is the mother of invention” is a well-known proverb. And it means, that the primary driving force for most new inventions is a need. Coffee is a need in this household. Maybe yours too? Or maybe just a ‘want’ that adds a bit more enrichment to everyday life.

Here’s the thing,

Starbucks might one day treat us like humans once again and they understand that we have at any given moment trillions of viruses inside of us, I will stick to the amazing service of B&B Kitchen.

I am getting to like my own company. I enjoy keeping things super simple and finding what I need inside the walls of my own home. Its surely been a creative outlet. I like my own smile. I like freedom of speech and thought and discussion and debate. All always welcome at the coffee bar.

And besides I think I’ll be adding a coffee bean plant to add to my suburban farm which will be quite the challenge.

I think I will bring a new meaning to homesteading and I hope you too have also found new ways to innovate amongst the ever changing scenery and world.

Life is short and doing what matters to you and your family is important.

Vote with your dollars and stand up for your beliefs.


xo, Becca










Hi, I'm Becca!

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