If you want to know if there is anyone out there that gets equally inspired by the Gary Vaynerchuk way of life AND Homestead Tessie, then that would be me.
I’ll admit, its an odd combination.
And it’s a combination I finally embrace.
It might have took the chaos of 2020 as well as 2021 to keep pushing me this way, and here I am.
In case you haven’t hear of those names before . . .
Gary Vee = the king of hustling who has built and invested in numerous businesses while encouraging solopreneurs and other business owners to get their hustle on.
Homestead Tessie = walked away from a lifestyle that was not a fit for her family to live on an acre of land in a vintage mobile home where she grows her own food and lives a very simple creative life.
I was featured in newspapers, business articles, magazines and on TV to pipe up about all the ways to use technology to move faster and to hustle more.
I was once that person leaning in hard to LinkedIn trying to make as many good business points as I could, sharing my best business tips and trying to keep up with the digital marketing boys club.
Until I realized, I couldn’t nor should I.
I was growing everyone else’s business, helping as many people that came knocking and even those that didn’t (super cringe).
I am now leaning into my simpler side, the wannabe farmer side of me, realizing not that everything is meant for everyone. Allowing people to take better care of themselves on the grief/funeral journey AND for businesses to stay intentional with their Marketing. Staying authentic. Staying on budget. Simplifying the online world.
Life is short and I’m all about taking the slower approach to life, home and business, learning and applying digital creative skills with a small side of those hustle and digital projects with the right people.